Shalom! Welcome To Gesher Yoga

Gesher translates to bridge in Hebrew. Yoga offers us exactly that; a bridge that yokes our outer world of skin, muscles and bones to our inner world of breath, soul and intuition. Jewish Spirituality also instructs us on how to live a life that is simultaneously secular and sacred through the ancient teachings found in the Torah, t’fillah, Chassidut, Kabbalah and ultimately by listening for the still small voice of Shekhinah, who dwells within each of us.

On this blog you will find the notes I've used to teach on-going Shabbat morning sessions, mostly at my shule. Sometimes there are Asana (posture) suggestions to be found at the end of an entry. Other times they are not there, mainly because I never know who's going to show up for our yoga minyan...I often like to wait and see who comes so I can structure that aspect of class according to the "bodies" that are present, as there is a wide range of physical abilities within the community...I don't like to be tied to a plan, but to move and teach authentically and appropriately for all in attendance.

My approach is always gentle so that everyone feels comfortable and capable of full participation, so
please don't hesitate to join us if you happen to be in Nashua, NH on a Shabbat morning that I am teaching. To find out when the next Gesher Yoga Session is happening go to:
Temple Beth Abraham.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Simplifying my life

As you have surely noticed, I have not added any new entries to this blog in a very long time!
For those who do not know, I have been pretty sick this year with MS. For now I have begun blogging again but just on one of my blogs. At this time, that is more than enough blogging for me to manage. I am still offering my services as a creativity coach over the phone and via e-mail if you are interested in being coached.

God willing I will start up this blog again in the future, but for now if you want to find out what's new, creative and spiritual in my life feel free to visit me at Shine The Divine: Creativity as a Spiritual Practice. You can follow that blog using the google follow icon.
shana tova...may this be a year of great healing for all the worlds.

Gentle steps always,